With Bernie .. the money is getting old

Justin Skord
2 min readMar 8, 2020


Bernie Sanders talks a lot about money, and like the candidate, it’s getting old. If you’ve listened to him for five minutes you’ve heard all of these: the top one percent makes more money than the bottom 50 percent, our country is becoming an oligarchy, corporations are corrupt and pay no taxes, the average donation to his campaign is 17 dollars (or is it 18 now … in any case who gives a shit). While these topics are interesting there are better ways to connect with people, and that’s why Joe Biden is beating him. South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn said ‘We know Joe. But most importantly, Joe knows us.’ Is he saying this because of Joe’s positions on tax structure and corporate regulations? No. Its because he plays old-school politics, he gives people nick-names in town-halls, goes on unscripted tangents during speeches, and doesn’t shy away from topics like religion or his own personal hardships. He claims his campaign is a battle to take back the ‘soul of America.’ That might be a bit overdone but one things for sure, no amount of 17 dollar donations or expensive policy initiatives can do that, it needs a personal touch … and that kind of thing never gets old.



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