Time to Process — — —

Justin Skord
1 min readApr 10, 2020


‘You just won the lottery, how do you feel?’ ‘You just won the Superbowl, how do you feel?’ ‘Your grandmother just died, how do you feel?’ — We’ve all been confronted with questions like this and subsequently heard ourselves giving responses like this: ‘I don’t know, I think I need more time to process.’ Which is bullshit, most people have no intention of processing anything, they just move on. But to those of us who have our health and a growing amount of non-essential time these days, the elusive ‘processing’ implied in said response actually seems more appealing and more achievable. So give it a shot. Take some time to think about what it meant when your grandmother died several years ago. How has Tom Brady been able to win so many damn Superbowls? Football deflation? What’s happened to the winner of last years record power-ball, how are they feeling now? I bet you could get some better answers these days; ones that aren’t redundant copout requests for more time-to-process.



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