Do Chicago gangs need a Godfather?

Justin Skord
1 min readAug 1, 2020


Do gangs in Chicago need a godfather? In the 1990’s law enforcement emphasized taking out gang leaders instead of their footmen, which led to a lack of organization and leadership, and arguably more violence: instead of a handful of gangs fighting over neighborhoods you now have hundreds of gangs fighting over street corners. And that’s not ideal.

One thing you can say about organized crime is that its organized — there are only so many hits a godfather would dare to authorize in a week, right?

So maybe we should let the hierarchies grow back. As a result those footmen might learn that climbing the hierarchy of a gang isn’t a whole lot different from climbing the hierarchy of a corporation, and opt to take that route instead. And years from now … who knows … these gangs might only exist in Hollywood, like their historically notorious Italian counterparts.



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