Democracy isn’t about keeping the trains running on time
The democrats are the party of choice for folks who just don’t have their shit together — it’s a well known stereotype and the events of the 2020 Iowa caucuses didn’t do much to discredit it. In 2004 Barack Obama said this at the democratic convention:
‘We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don’t like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States.’
While the sentiment behind the remark is about unity, you can’t deny that the generalizations he’s responding to have some truth. Now if Obama had needed another example he could easily have added:
‘We keep the trains running on time in the Blue States and sometimes get lost in the train station in the Red States.’
But who knows … it’s possible the republican party could have made the same logistical mis-steps as the democrats on Iowa caucus night, but it’s unlikely. The fact is, when it comes to getting the trains running on time, with all other factors being equal, I’d choose a republican over a democrat. Its just something they’re better at … or at-least they value it more. But when it comes to electing a government, lets try to keep our priorities straight because this isn’t nazi Germany yet. The number one priority should be that the election itself is free, and fair, and democratic in every sense of the word. And unfortunately democracy isn’t always pretty, or smart, or efficient, just like us, but if you’re looking to knock the democrats for that, then just call yourself a republican and call it a day.